Tag: fantome

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Friday Flights @bottlecraft

Fantome vs Dupont…

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Fantome Pissenlit

Fantome Saisons are delicious, even when it’s name which is French for “dandelion” translates “piss a bed”……

0 252
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Fantome Chocolat Saison

We find the Belgian Fantome beers intriguing, mysterious, and always tasty… A chocolate Saison sounded interesting, so…

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Public House La Jolla Bottles

Bell’s! SKA! In San Diego! What a great bottle list! We usually choose from their vast Belgian…

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Fantome Belgian Saison

Tastes wonderful…perfect for a pre-holiday party beverage.  The combination of citrus flavors and carbonation reminds me of…

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Hiver by Fantome

Fantome never disappoints… I don’t know what a “Hiver” is, but at least I changed the auto-correct…

0 245
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Dark White from Brasserie Fantome

Another yummy beer from this Belgian brewery.  A refreshing light bodied ale.