Tag: pilsner

A glass of pilsner beer on a bar counter
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The Godfather Italian Pilsner

The Godfather Italian Pilsner is a collaboration between Karl Strauss and Societe Brewing companies. Light, refreshing with a hint of bitterness 6% ABV

0 342
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Little Bo Pils

This one is from Smog City Brewing. 4.4% ABV. Crisp pilsner flavor, perfect for a hot August…

a can of beer on the counter
0 310
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Grimm Anthos Hoppy Pilsner

Grimm Brewing Anthos has that light “corn chip” flavor of standard pilsner, but it’s been hopped like an IPA. Interesting.

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MOA Methode

Ran across this one from MOA Brewing down in New Zealand. It’s a Pilsner bottle fermented with…

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Port Pils Czech Pilsner

A new limited release from Port Brewing. Very clean and refreshing.

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Rossi Pilsner

Just a nice low ABV Pils from Backstreet in Vista. Perfect for a hot San Diego summer…