Tag: west coast IPA

A can of Mongo IPA on a table next to a glass of the beer
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Mongo Double IPA in Cans

Found Pizza Port’s Mongo DIPA 16Oz four-packs on sale for $6.99. A good deal considering that’s the cost of 1 pint at Pizza Port

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Citra Exploder WCIPA

I’m not sure why I’m surprised to find a great west coast IPA in Hawaii.  They have…

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Nelly of the Beast

A delish 6.5% ABV WC IPA from SLO’s Liquid Gravity….mmm

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everywhere everything always

A delish west coast ipa. Lighter body, nice hop flavors with pleasant bitter finish…all in a 6.3%…

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Nesting Pair

A tasty IPA, made in the west coast style, from Smog City. Pix bonus being that the…

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Alvarado Tree Service

Oh so yummy west coast IPA from the fine folks at Alvarado Street Brewery.

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Radiant Beauty

A delish DDH west coast IPA from Green Cheek Beer Co.

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Y’all are Presently Drinking…

Societe Surefire Bullseye West Coast IPA. I feel I should be eating meat with this.

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Pallet Forager

Tasty WC-IPA from Santa Rosa’s Moonlight Brewing Co. Can colors goes well with the decor too.

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Highly Skilled WC-IPA

That’ll work.  Just like the label, quite a bit of citrus and melon on the nose out…