This weekend is Labor Day weekend – the traditional end of summer for those of us here in the States. Being who we are, we naturally like to celebrate the end of the season with (what else) Beer and pictures!
But this time around we thought we’d do something really special and invite you to share your own beer photos with us via’s live photo blogging feature.
Here’s the details:
From Friday, August 31 through Monday September 3, you’ll be able to post your photos and comments directly to our website simply by emailing them to:
- pix ( at ) (Just replace the ( at ) with an “@”)
Make sure to include a subject (i.e., “Beer photo from Moosedrool, Wisconsin”) that gives viewers a little info about the photo.
If you’d like to include text (beyond the subject) along with your photo you’ll need to enclose it in the “#” sign like this:
- #Hello mybeerpix readers! I’m Larry and this is my buddy Moe. We are enjoying a pint of Moosedrool IPA at the pub. Cheers!#
(If you don’t use the “#” sign to enclose the message, the server will strip out the text.)
That’s it! You can post from any email program, or if you’re one of the cool kids like me and have a cameraphone, you can post directly from your mobile phone. Every 15 minutes or so our web server will check for new photos, automatically resize them and post. (So if you don’t see your photo right away, wait a few minutes, the server is probably between check cycles.)
Caveats and (not very limiting) limitations:
1) Please keep the photos beer-related. They can be of just beer, people with beer, at beer places, events, beer signage, etc. — it simply needs to somehow relate to beer. This is after all “my beer pix” not “my day at the zoo pix”.
2) Please keep your photos (and language) to PG-13. A little racy is fine and fun, but our 14 year-old daughter sees this and we don’t want to have to explain anything. (If you’ve got anything beyond PG-13, feel free to email them to us privately. )
3) Make sure they’re your photos. Posting other’s pictures can be a big legal mess that we don’t want to deal with.
4) If you’re reading this before midnight GMT on Friday the 31st or after 11:59pm on September 3rd, you can’t send photos. The email address only works for the time limits above. Any email outside of that will bounce.
Ok, that’s it! Now go out there and show us what you and your beer are doing this weekend!
you can better,