Between Portland and Crescent we had winds, rain, snow, hail, sleet and fog. We were lucky we didn’t hit any ice coming over the 58. After 4-hours of crazy weather and car snacks, the pizza and beer tasted awesome. The beer is a light bodied ale from Cascade Lakes Brewing Company called Rooster Tail Ale. I was so busy eating and drinking and talking I forget to take a pic of the beer.

Left Crescent and headed north, past Gilchrist and into La Pine where we found a hotel to rest. Next is to find a local watering hole with decent beer that has not closed up for the night, though it is 10:00pm. I hope I don’t have to break into the beer I brought up to share.
After a long drive I was greeted with pizza and beer: Between Portland and Crescent we had winds, rain, snow, ha..