I asked the cashier to check the receipt again. My Friday trip to the local beer and wine mart is used to high markups, but $44 for a couple of Modern Times releases couldn’t be right. He confirmed that the Modern Times Monster’s Park was indeed $29.99 w/o tax. What the hell, I’d give it a try. The other City of the Dead was more affordable, but we’ll see how it turns out.
I’m fully aware of recent trends for Baja and Mexican upscale beers. I am also aware of Blue Moon’s Horchata beer, Puesto’s Agua Mala, and The Bruery’s Xata special release, and I have to say I hate them all.
This is not those beers. This is a huge, mature, bourbon barrel-aged, imperial stout. Sure there are hints of cinamon, cocoa nibs, chilis, and vanilla beans, but those are all just sideshows to a mind-numbingly black 80 SRM|Black, 60-IBU, 1.019 final gravity hot chocolate-stout party. I was prepared to feel regret for un-expectantly spending thirty bucks on a bottle of beer, but this one is going to be a repeat purchase. Grab them while you can as I suspect you won’t be able to find them fairly soon. The flavors are complex, ever-changing, and confusing all at the same time which leaves you wanting to figure out the next sip and the next.