After x-mas eve family thing back to the old homestead to get some last minute wrapping done, and catched-up on the last of the advent beer calendar beers.
All three were decent

I have no idea what the letter is between the “o” and the “b”…a “k” maybe? Schlokbräu Rheder. Light body clean finish. More enjoyable than many other pilsners I’ve had. No peppery hop finish.
Found the name typed on the box…Schlossbräu…not sure how that symbol is “ss”. Need German 101.

Wittmann Urhell was also a pleasant. Similar to the previous pils, but a helles.

Kartauser Doppelbock Dunkel was another Bavarian dark lager, but less like Medelo Negra than the previous in the box. Malty sweetness and at 7.5% ABV it was the strongest beer in the bunch.
The double S… that’s a very funky font. So… palace/chateau beer.
Thanks Eddie.