As a few of you have observed, in an attempt to bring ever more interesting beer pix, we’ve recently added several new contributors to the blog. So you can connect the beers with the names we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new beer bloggers.

Matt Dolman, Foreign Correspondent
Accountant by day and mad craft beer drinker by night (if you define “day” as 8a.m. to noon and “night” as the other 20 hours), Matt made his first appearance on our blog when he covered the Oregon Brewer’s Festival for us back in July.
A resident of Northern San Diego County and a frequent fixture at Stone Brewing Co., we often see Matt as he drops by The Lost Abbey for a quick pint when he’s on a “Home Depot run.” (Check him out at the end of The Lost Abbey’s GABF video to find out what that means.) Omnivorous when it comes to beer styles, you’re as likely to find him drinking a local double IPA as you are a rare Belgian Dubbel.
Matt fills our Foreign Correspondent slot because he likes to travel and drink. You’ll note that he’s very fond of pictures of himself.
You can email Matt at “matt (at)

Damian and Lona Montgomery, East Coast Bureau Chiefs
Husband and wife team Damian and Lona are our newest contributors to the blog.
Up until a couple of weeks ago they used to live here in San Diego County. Damian worked at The Lost Abbey where he came to fame on the cover of Celebrator magazine as the well-dressed guy in the middle (leading many people to ask “Tomme Arthur is black?”). Lona is a powerful up and comer at Geico Insurance where she works with cavemen and lizards.
Lona recently received a promotion from the Big Lizard himself and the couple has relocated to Fredericksburg, Maryland where they now act as our official East Coast Bureau chiefs covering all the beer from Florida to Nova Scotia.
You’ll find their posts listed under “McNairs”. (If you want to know why, ask them. It’s a good story.)
They can be contacted at: damian-lona (at)

Adam Tillotson, Man About Town
You’ll recognize Adam in a number of our photos, but until recently he wasn’t able to contribute his own photos because he had an ancient mobile phone. But bow that he’s got a new cameraphone he’s a picture taking fool.
Located here in San Diego, by virtue of his job as an HVAC contractor (feel free to ask him about air conditioning) he gets to travel all over the county on jobs. Conveniently nearly all of these jobs are located near breweries/brewpubs/bars, so Adam often pops in to give us a visual update of what’s on tap in the region (and beyond when he travels).
For a guy that’s well over 6 feet tall, many find Adam’s fondness for tiny things (hats, glasses, dogs, etc.) interesting. But beer isn’t one of them. For him, the bigger the better. You’ll find him gravitating to beers like double IPAs and imperial stouts as well as a lot of barrel-aged rarities.
You can email Adam at: adam (at)
(Ladies: Adam is single, earns a six figure salary and has a yacht.)
Phew!! I am sure glad I didn’t make this list. Too much pressure. It is quite hard enough consuming the beer to contibute and give fodder for so many great stories. However, lucky for the general public, I am in frequent communication with all of these correspondents on a level that could rival a stalker. Just don’t forget, the guy behind the guy behind the guy…..