For whatever reason we’ve accumulated a lot of growlers. A really lot of growlers. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 and growing since we never seem to remember to bring our growlers with us when we go brewery hopping, so we end up buying a new one or two every time we venture out.
But rather than dwell on the ever-growing pile of glass jugs around my house, I decided to do something creative (and justify all those jugs) by turning my collection into a game called “Guess That Growler”.
You can play along at home. The rules are simple. Below you will see a series of growler photos in which everything but a 50 x 100 pixel area of the growler has been blacked out. It’s up to you to guess what brewery the growler came from. For every correct guess you get to take a drink. For every incorrect guess you get to take two drinks (this eliminates the stigma of guessing incorrectly).
Naturally, because I’m in San Diego, my growler collection is heavy on San Diego breweries/brewpubs, so if you’re not familiar with the breweries around here, you might want to brush up on their logos, locations, etc. before diving in. We’ll start with some easy ones that are well-known, and get progressively more difficult.
Okay, ready? Here we go:
Growler #1
Guess That Growler:

Growler #2
Guess That Growler:

Growler #3
Guess That Growler:

Growler #4
Guess That Growler:

Growler #5
Guess That Growler:

Growler #6
Guess That Growler:

Bonus Round #1 (Still San Diego, but obscure)
Growler #7
Guess That Growler:

Bonus Round #2 (So Calif., but not San Diego)
Growler #8
Guess That Growler:

Growler #9
Guess That Growler:

Double Bonus Round (Neighboring State)
Guess That Growler:
Growler #10

Championship Round (Neighboring State)
Growler #11
Guess That Growler:

Well, how’d you do?
- 11 Correct – You are a growler genius. People should admire you. (We’re all shocked that they don’t.)
- 8 – 10 correct – Pretty dang good. You obviously know your way around a brewery or two
- 5 – 7 correct – not bad, but you could obviously spend some more time “studying”
- 1 – 4 correct – could be a number of things: you’ve never been to San Diego or had beer from here, you’re new to this whole growler thing, or you like drinking good beer more than being right. Keep working at it.
If you’ve got growler photos of your own, feel free to send them to me at beersage (at) mybeerpix (dot) com. Maybe we can put together a national championship game.