That’s a total lie, of course.
Even if I had that much Duck Duck there’s no way I’d be giving it to you for free. But it did get you here, which was my intent all along.
And now for my real, much more nefarious, purpose:

The slightly blurry gentleman (and I use the term loosely) to the left is Dan of The Full Pint fame.
Dan recently blasted out an email asking everyone to vote for what they thought was the best brewery in Southern California, an email I had planned on ignoring, right up until Lisa from Green Flash blasted her email list asking everyone to vote for them.
Well, that and I went to and found that the graphic Dan is using to represent Southern California a) pretty much defines Southern California as “everything south of San Francisco”, and b) uses the USC logo to represent Southern California.
(Side note: As a Berkeley grad, I happen to know that all you need to do to get a master’s degree at USC is drive your Mercedes across campus without hitting anything. But whatever — that’s UCLA’s problem.)
(Extra side note: Stanford sucks.)
…But I digress.
Anyway, checking the website now, I see that Green Flash is leading the vote, no doubt due entirely to Lisa’s email ballot box stuffing. So I am calling on the countless dozens of readers of this blog to do your own ballot box stuffing and vote for Port Brewing/Lost Abbey as the best craft brewery in Southern California.
As many of you may know, my wife, Terri — aka: “Beer Molly” — is the tasting room / special events manager at the brewery (some would call her Evita Perón with 16 taps of great beer), so I have a vested interest in PB/LA winning this thing.
Plus Dan’s wife is about to have a baby, and she’s pressuring him to get one of those “real jobs” so many wives of craft beer enthusiasts are always talking about (not really sure what that is). So a big bump to him would allow him say, “See honey, I need to drink this beer. People are looking to me.”
Plus, I believe in old school bare-knuckle, vote buying politics. If Port/Lost Abbey wins and you come into the tasting room, look me up and tell me you voted for the brewery. I’ll buy you a beer.
No, it won’t be a Duck Duck Gooze, but it’ll be a pint of something you can count on being great.