Oktoberfest/Bier n Bikes Tour

Well, just now starting the posts, now tht we’re almost done.  But wi-fi and internet are pretty limited in rural Germany and Austria.

Day 1 – Started at 3:30am so we could get to Sd for a 6:30am flight.  With a 4-hour layover in Philly on the way to Munich, you guessed it, we stopped for beers.  While there, we met a charming hostess by the name of Alyssa Jordan, thanks for the hospitality.  Her pic is here.100_0704

And believe it or not, we had some beers.  Once we got on the plane to Munich, we were pretty much out of luck as US Airways doesn’t have any good beer.  Don’t worry, we made up for it later that day.  The posts will continue…

Author: Sage
I'm a writer, marketing strategist, tech weenie and craft beer lover.

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