One block over and one block up from Bend Brewing you will find Deschutes Brewery & Public House..OK maybe you won’t find it..but I did.

Top to bottom and left to right, I ordered my set of six tasters. I like the idea of putting it on a pad.

Though it does not show well in the picture Oregon 150 is red/pink in color and has a bright pink foamy head. Very Interesting, but I found it too sweet for my taste at the time. Looking at the ingredients again, I can see why.
The Dissident was the first imperial Flanders style I have had. Usually it is a 5% beer…but 9% wow.

When I wrote down Obsidian Stout, I wanted the Nitro Coffee Obsidian Stout, so I order a taste of one of those as well.

For those that like coffee beers, this may be your beer. For those that like coffee and don’t like beer, this may be your beer. To me it was like cold coffee, with just a hint of carbonation. Not quite my cup of tea, or coffee…I guess.
I am way behind in my postings. I still have two more breweries and two bars in Bend. Now I am in Eugene and planning on visiting some places here. I am a block away from Steelhead Brewing, as well as Eugene City Brewing (owned by Rogue Ales), and I haven’t even looked yet.
Friday’s Brewery #2 was Deschutes Brewery & Public House: One block over and one block up from Bend Brewin..
RT: @mybeerpix Friday’s Brewery #2 was Deschutes Brewery & Public House: [Was just there a couple of weeks ago.]
Friday’s Brewery #2 was Deschutes Brewery & Public House