Never let it be said that the Mexican people aren’t innovative. First they gave us the street-taco, then the donkey show, and now, Axixa.

This, ladies and gentlemen (mostly gentlemen), is probably the single greatest invention to come from our Southern neighbor since Elvis on Velvet. It’s a mini urinal that mounts on the wall!
Imagine: no more worrying about killing the shrubbery, no more worries about backsplash off the wall, and (most of all) no more of those pesky public indecency fines.
I hope we see these on every wall within 20 feet of all my favorite watering holes.
Link to the article: (Nice title too — about time that someone made public urination on a wall was decent.)
PS: Interesting factoid — “Axixa” is “urine” in Nahuatl. Show people how educated you are and work that into a conversation.