I got 4 bottles and a glass for Christmas. The box that it came in came with a whole variety of rules on what exact angle to hold the glass and for how long, which position to store it, and what exact temperature to store it. Not being one to follow the rules, I splashed it way too much and foamed the hell out of it. There’s yeast in the bottom too, so you have to be careful. The first smell and taste were sour, but that might have been from, ahem, not pouring it right. After it settled down, it was surprisingly not like a sourish Belgian, but a nice, tangy and malty Belgian. It’s 8.5% and it reminds me of a saison with some grains of paradise, but without being overly citrus or ginger-y.
Duvel Golden Ale
Greg Bolcer December 29, 2016 Leave a Comment on Duvel Golden Ale
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Author: Greg Bolcer