Category: Sessions

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Posted in Beer Pix Sessions

Ritual’s Hop-O-Matic & Hellion

At Urge for food and libations. I wouldn’t recommend the cask version of the Hop-O-Matic IPA they…

0 145
Posted in Beer Pix Sessions

Mother Earth Cinco de Rye-O

At Toronado for for Modern Times Brewing Kickstarter party.  Grabbed something new (to me) from Mother Earth…

0 241
Posted in Beer Pix Sessions

The Session #25: Dirty Secrets

It’s Session #25 (#thesession) and we’re supposed to give a little love to the lager in our…

0 149
Posted in Beer Pix People Sessions

Ne Goeien Collaboration beer releases today

Today is the release over at the Port Brew/Lost Abbey of Collaboration brewed by Hildegard Van Ostedan…

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Posted in Beer Pix Sessions

Session 14: Beer People

Kudos to Stonch for picking Beer People as the subject of Session Number 14. As frequenters of…

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Posted in Sessions

Session 9: Beer and Music (Or “The story of my life according to Barley”)

This month’s Session is beer and music and comes to us courtesy of Lost Abbey brewer, blogger…

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Posted in Sessions

Session 9 is… beer and music!

I’m playing catch up this week and just noticed that beer blogging Session #9 has been announced….

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Posted in Sessions

Session 8 : Beer & Food – The end of a fun day!

Well, we’ve reached the end of Session 8 and beer blogging Friday. Beer Sage, who did most…

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Posted in Sessions

Session 8 : beer & food – Dinner

9:00 pm – Dinner (NOTE:This is a day-long continuation of the Session 8 Beer & Food post,…

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Posted in Sessions

Session 8 : Beer & Food – Snack time

5:30 pm – snack (NOTE:This is a day-long continuation of the Session 8 Beer & Food post,…