Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey today announced that it’s 3rd anniversary party will be held Saturday May 9th from noon to 7pm (or whenever they finally kick everyone out).
Along with excellent beer from the barrel archive and great food by Chef Vince, the brewery will also be hosting a live performance by local surf lounge lizards, The Professors, and releasing three new beers that day.
The scheduled beer releases are Port (3rd) Anniversary, a delicious double IPA, The much-anticipated Angel’s Share (Bourbon), and what is probably San Diego’s most highly awarded beer, Cuvee de Tomme.
Beer-only release starts at noon, and the party gets started in earnest at 3pm (food, music, etc.). Admission to the party is $15 and includes great music, endless runs at the food, a Port Logo pint glass and 8 taster tickets.
All the information is available on the Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey site here:
» Lost Abbey to Host 3rd Anniversary Party
Port / Lost Abbey 3rd Anniversary Party May 9th: Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey today announced that it’s 3.. http://tinyurl.com/cdxkz4
RT @mybeerpixPort / Lost Abbey 3rd Anniversary Party May 9th: http://tinyurl.com/cdxkz4 —Count me IN!