Between Eugene and Crescent, we encountered a lot of weather. We had rain (and even saw the end of a rainbow), fog, hail, sleet and snow. Another thing I noticed while driving on the 58 was the abundance of taxidermist signs. Some were more professional looking, and may or may not have had a building or house in sight, but it seemed more were just hand painted on plywood, or cardboard, next to a dirt road or dilapidated shed.

By the time I got to Crescent I had to pee again. I requested the use of the restroom at the lodge I was checking in at but was denied. So I squirmed a bit while filling out the check-in paperwork. Once given my key I quickly found and entered my room, turned to the bathroom to be greeted by this….

A clear toilet seat with large bullets embedded in it. It was new to me, but as an owner of the lodge I could see it having its advantages;like being able to see if the toilet is clean without having to lift the lid.
Once relieved, it was time to find a beer. Next to the lodge was the Mohawk Restaurant.

I grabbed a bottle of Deschutes Black Butte Porter for $2.50 and wandered the restaurant admiring the taxidermy and bottle collections. And yes, I have already been chastised for not taking pictures of the taxidermy collection. Though another beer would have been welcomed, by 9:45pm it was time for Crescent to turn off it’s lights for the night.
FYI – Per the sign in the front window, the Mohawk Restaurant is for sale, which includes the collections.
Crescent Oregon: Between Eugene and Crescent, we encountered a lot of weather. We had rain (and even saw the en..